The Uniform Intelligence Division is the first line of defense for sustaining domestic tranquility in the community. Utilizing more resources than any other division of the agency, Uniform Intel is the backbone of The Intelligence Company.
The Uniform Intelligence Division provides armed safety & security intelligence, creating a high visibility for safety as well as determining if crimes have occurred within the scope of duties, subsequently identifying if local law or federal enforcement needs to be contacted to start an investigation.
Concentrated uniform intelligence is used by officers to identify problems within the area of the assignment , The division maintains social order through enforcement of rules and regulations estab-lished, timely response to circumstances which breach public safety & peace, preliminary encounters of the criminal element, apprehension of offenders, and prevention efforts through interaction with clients & citizens and maintaining a deterrent presence and alleviate the problem in an efficient manner utilizing preventative patrol techniques.
Our Uniform Intel Division provides the Highest Quality uniformed protection services in the industry. For our officers we have extensive training programs and routine qualifications, Our officers are the best in the industry. We offer very well trained officers to fulfill any service requirements clients may need. For a detailed evaluation of your security needs and a comprehensive assessment on services, consult us.
An Armed Officer Increases Workplace & Operational Safety; Unfortunately, violent crime is no longer limited to the inner cities and rough neighborhoods. Workplace violence is on the rise in America, and having a uniform intelligence officer on site increases safety and also discourages workplace violence before it can happen. A specially trained officer of our state of the art uniform intelligence division performs services concentrated on the needs of the assignment, large, medium-sized and or small. This is our most frequently used service.
Our Uniformed Intel Officers are an essential element for all high-profile operations, families, society and business affairs and special events. Our commitment to creating the safest possible environment has earned us a reputation for excellence and long-term client relationships. Our clientele know they can depend on us to be proactive, highly professional and confidential.
The Intelligence Company provides uniformed services throughout the state of Florida, for all types of assignments. When it comes to protecting our clients and safeguarding against criminal activities,......
The Uniformed Intelligence Division is at the top of its class.******
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