The Intelligence Company was incorporated post new millennium and is under the Administrative Command of the Chief of Operations. Over the years, The Intelligence Company has worked for both small and large enterprises, some of whom are leaders of industry and government.
The Intelligence Company, IntelCo, is an agency that conducts classified safety & security intelligence protection and investigations for its Administration and Clientele in which IntelCo service. The Intelligence Company is a Certified SLBE and MBE, Headquartered within the Tri-County Tampa Bay Area, in Pinellas County, Florida, and is soon to be a global intelligence agency with a variety of divisions with personnel dispersed over the State of Florida and subsequently over the United States.
Operating by Secrecy Agreements between all members, affiliates & clientele The Intelligence Company is a intelligence agency serving Corporate America, Individual Persons, Entrepreneurs’, Citizens, Dignitaries and Government and their counsel. We help protect the bottom line and safety of our clients by providing them with the knowledge they need to make sound and informed decisions in todays’ increasingly fast-paced competitive business environment.
We have provided solutions to security needs ranging from Basic Security Issues to Threat Cases, Executive Protection, Event Security, Anti-Burglary, Anti-Auto Theft, Armed Robbery, Security Consulting, Information Protection and a variety of other common law issues people are exposed to in both the United States and around the World.
The Intelligence Company team is comprised of professionals from diverse disciplines who work to find answers and solves problems. Our staff includes Current & Former Law Enforcement Officials, Military Personnel, and Criminal Justice & Administrative Experts. We gather information strategically and legally from sources worldwide both through our personal and professional contacts, and by using the most current and sophisticated technology operations. We analyze our findings and present them to our clients in a concise and useful way aimed at getting results.
Information is everywhere. While finding information may be increasingly easy, developing useful and meaningful intelligence is much more difficult. At The Intelligence Company, we specialize in identifying obtaining and analyzing information that is relevant and appropriate for our clients’ needs. We deliver top secret security intelligence to our clients through concentrated divisions: General Intelligence, Uniform Intelligence, Classified Intelligence, Investigations and Training. We provide accurate and timely intelligence to our Command Staff to include the IntelCo Records Division, and our clients to help mitigate safety and security risks on a daily basis. Consult us to discuss your specific needs in confidence.
Investigative expertise coupled with focused research form a powerful tool in developing critical intelligence. We conduct sophisticated services utilizing uniformed and plainclothes operating techniques and not to mention various technical skills, to assist our clients with the issues such as: Intellectual property crimes, Employee and Internal & External related crimes, Crime against persons, Environmental liability safety and security, Complex assessment support. The least costly crisis is one that is prevented from occurring. We assist clients by applying the experience gained from investigating corporate crises and observations of industry best practices to mitigate risk in a variety of areas. Often Businesses learn of their vulnerabilities’ only after experiencing a loss. Let us invest our experience in your organization to mitigate safety and security risk and deter incidents associated with the criminal element from occurring.
The Intelligence Company specializes in Classified Security Intelligence, Investigations, Effective consulting and in providing such services. Our recruited professionals include current & former law enforcement officials, military personnel, criminal justice & administrative experts and others. We provide services to clients’ state wide; soon nationwide, bringing a depth of experience and a broad range of skills unmatched in the industry. Almost all members of The Intelligence Company are current or prior law enforcement officers, military law enforcement with solid hand-on experience in the field and working knowledge of our common criminal activity. They are trained to perform at the highest level of professionalism.
Our management’s philosophy insures a low officer turnover rate which allows us to provide clients with a consistent service. Our combined expertise in Law Enforcement - Civilian & Military, Executive Management, Administrative Accounting, Computer Research and Training, give us the ability to find out what you need to know, analyze the information and present it to you in a way you can use to get results.
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