To provide professional service in processing and disseminating Intelligenceco records to the clients, employees, law enforcement agencies and state attorney’s office in an appropriate, courteous, and timely manner.
The Records Division of IntelCo is responsible for maintaining and distributing case incident reports, supplemental reports, accident reports (vehicular and marine), arrest reports, miscellaneous incident reports, tow slips and parking violation tickets in accordance with IntelCo Administrative policies and procedures. This division handles hundreds of reports per year that occur within the scope of the Intelligence Company operational duties.
Reports may be requested either by mail, in person, email. Phone or fax requests will not be accepted nor will reports be faxed to requestors. Requests by mail must include the required fee. Prior to mailing your request, call Records to confirm the report has been received and obtain a cost for the report. Please be sure to include as much information as possible when making your request such as the case number, date, location of incident and type of incident, only if circumstances permit due to in-force Secrecy Agreements.
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This information is made available to the public, prospects and law enforcement in the interest of public safety. Any unauthorized use of this information is forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution.
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