The Classified Intelligence Division "Classified Intel " is trained to identify a wide range of high profile crimes including crimes against persons, petit/retail theft, burglary "commercial", fraud, identity theft, narcotics violations, trespass offenses, and a host of others. All of our officers have been assigned to a certain assignment which allows them to become familiar with crime trends specific to their particular assignments.
Classified Intel is committed to ensuring we provide only the highest level of service to the community and those we serve. Classified Intel looks forward to its part in diligently addressing crime problems about the assignments we work and ensuring our community continues to be one of the safest in the state.
Classified Intel Division is a team made up of special Intelligence officers and personnel who are highly trained to respond to threats that are beyond the realm of General Intel & Uniform Intelligence services. The team is a support resource within The Intelligence Company. The team is specifically directed towards situations of demonstrated potential violence and force recognized as necessitating a disciplined team effort utilizing specialized training, tactics and video intelligence surveillance techniques.
The primary function of the Classified Intel Division is to gather follow-up intelligence of reported crimes or incidents. This type of intelligence consist of standardized field operations in a hi-classified capacity, analyzing information for validity, reliability,and accuracy; and compiling comprehensive and factual intelligence file to be presented to our clients, law enforcement and subsequently in a court of law court. The Classified Intel team shall be committed to peaked safety and security intelligence.
Another function of this division is providing Video Intelligence Monitoring Services aside from direction towards situations beyond General Intel and Uniform Intel divisions.
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