Although separate and individual, the function of each division within the IntelCo agency is basically the same: Conduct preliminary and follow-up intelligence operations which is base solely on case-by-case and assignment-by-assignment basis on criminal offenses gather information and intelligence which ultimately leads to the peaked deterrence of criminal element, identification, apprehension prosecution and conviction of criminal offenders.
The divisions within IntelCo are trained to perform at its best and to document all information and evidence in logistical report writing form which is then forwarded to either the IntelCo Administrative Command Staff and Clientele. Services provided by The Intelligence Company are long and short-term services, under certain circumstances.
Our Officers and Investigators are professionally trained experts who are well prepared to handle our security needs. Whether uniformed or in plainclothes, armed or unarmed, IntelCo officers are prepared to handle any situation. Our Officers are currently protecting corporate office buildings, residential gated communities, and retail shopping centers throughout Tampa Bay Area. Every community and business has reason to consider professional security services.
If you own a business, you are certainly aware of the monetary impact and damages of a burglary. If you own a home and or have children, the safety of your loved ones and possessions is of utmost importance. Whether you are considering additional security for your business or your community, trained officers from The Intelligence Company will provide the safety and security you need. Our specialists are well trained and professional, and will carry out a variety of duties to ensure your security and safety.
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This information is made available to the public, prospects and law enforcement in the interest of public safety. Any unauthorized use of this information is forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution.
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